Year 6 - Sycamore and Horse Chestnut
Mr R Hawley
Y6 Teacher - Sycamore & Phase Leader
My favourite book is called Skellig written by David Almond. The reason I enjoyed it so much was because it was just an ordinary setting with initially ordinary characters but as the story developed it was woven with moments of soaring hope, searing pain and extraordinary description. J.K. Rowling is my favourite children’s author. The skill in creating the whole ‘Wizarding World’ is something I am in awe of and the fact that she created it on the back of a napkin in a small café is a great back story to the beginnings of her ideas.
My favourite children's book is Bitter Chocolate by Sally Grindley. I have chosen this book because of the way it has be written and the themes which it discusses. Many of my class really enjoyed this book and were able to use the descriptive language to paint a picture in their minds of what the characters looked like. My favourite child's author is Roald Dahl. I have chosen this author as he was a favourite author if mine when i was growing up. His tales of magical worlds and fantastic creatures can still excite me even today.
Mr J Harrison
Y6 Teacher - Horse Chestnut
Mrs B Parker
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
'Ten Little Dinosaurs' is our favourite book at home at the moment. I like how it is written in rhyme, counts down in numbers from ten and the pages are full of colour and has dramatic backdrops on each page (definitely gets my kiddies engaged).
Julia Donaldson is one of my favourite authors. Her books are imaginative, bizarre characters are used, and can easily be recited by children who find reading difficult. Most of her books are written in rhyme which is why I like her stories.
My Favourite children’s book
Topsy and Tim by Jean Adamson and Gareth Adamson.
I really enjoyed reading these books as a child. I loved reading about the mischievous adventures they had together. I identified with their close twin relationship because I was also very close to my siblings growing up.
Favourite children’s author
J K Rowling
I admire this author because she is so creative and imaginative. She is able to capture the children’s imagination and transport them to another world. I enjoy reading all her books.
Mrs M Baz
Senior Teaching Assistant -
Y6 Horse Chestnut
Mrs C Fallon-Lister
Senior Teaching Assistant -
Y6 Sycamore
Whenever I am asked to name my favourite children's author, I always respond by stating Roald Dahl as my storyteller of choice, both as a youngster and years later, as an adult, reading stories aloud to my own daughter.
In my opinion, 'The Twits' was Roald Dahl’s finest work. I still recall with great delight, the endless list of awful pranks this pair played on one another: