Foundation Stage 1 and 2 - Acorns, Pine Cones and Conkers
Mrs H Edwardson
Foundation Teacher
My favourite children's author is Roald Dahl. I don't have one particular favourite book of his but some of my favourites include Danny the Champion of the World, Matilda, The Witches and The BFG. I think the reason why Roald Dahl is my favourite author is because there is something for everyone! A real mix of stories!
Mrs L Paramore
F1 Teacher and Phase Leader
My favourite children’s book is Whatever next by Jill Murphy. It is a beautifully illustrated picture book about a bear that wants to travel to the moon. This story is fun and exciting, it provided opportunity for your imagination to take over. Jill Murphy captures a child perfectly through little bears character. I love how from seeing the moon and the owl at the beginning he has created lovely play through finding object in the house to represent other...just like how children do in imaginative play. I can’t wait to share this book with my little boy.
Mrs T Ishmilh
F2 Teacher - Conkers
My favourite story is 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. The Mouse is my favourite character - imagine how scared she was, walking through the wood where lots of other animals wanted to eat her. But she uses her thinking skills creatively to help herself.
Julie Donanldson is also my favourite author - I like the way she writes in rhyme which helps me remember the story when reading it, with lots of expression, to my pupils.
Miss M Smith
F2 Teacher - Pine Cones
My favourite children’s book is ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy, because the bear family reminds me of mine, and the ending always makes me smile!
My favourite author is J.K Rowling, because she has such a vivid imagination.
Mrs A Peerbaccus
F1 - E.Y.P
My favourite children's book is'We're all going on a bear hunt' and I love the way Michael Rosen tells the story. His expression and actions help children learn new words that they can then put in their writing
Mrs E Hanmer
F1 - E.Y.P
My favourite children's book is 'Room on a Broom' by Julia Donaldson who is also my favourite children's author. I love the way that it is written in rhyme and there is a sense of rhythm in the story.
Miss Z Ahmed
F2 - E.Y.P
My favourite children's book is 'The Very Hungry Catterpillar.' I really like how the caterpillar remembers what It has eaten every day.
My favourite children's author is Eric Carle because his books are fun to read and this makes them memorable.
Mrs V Witherstone
Teaching Assistant
My favourite children’s author is Julia Donaldson because I love the fact that she write in rhyme and her stories make children's imaginations flourish.
My favourite book is Owl Babies. The book has very soothing words and delicate drawings which support some children who have separation anxieties.
Miss R Rashid
Teaching Assistant
My favourite book is Elmer - The Patch Work Elephant. this is because it promotes positivity and explains how you should just be yourself and not worry about others. My favourite author is Roahl Dahl simply because he wrote many different type of stories which Iread as a young girl.